

Volunteer State had an amazing and busy year in 2012.

We like to thank everyone who has supported us and asked for our help this passed year. 2012 has had some amazing experiences and we like to share them with you on our 2012 year review.




2012 started off with the team having their first team meeting and investigation of the year at the Clement Railroad Museum/Halbrook Hotel in Dickson, TN.   The WWII exhibit was just coming to an end and the team had some amazing experiences back in 2011 during the October public investigation that the museum held. VSPR wanted to come back to do some follow up questions and at the time the Director of the museum wanted to learn more about the activity he had witnessed during the public event.  Mike the Director of VSPR, who also volunteers at the museum working docent duty and curator work, had recently had a personal experience at the museum January 2012 prior to the meeting and investigation. 

Mike and Derrick (Curator and caretaker at museum) had noticed one of the display cases had been tampered with. That several items in the enclosed Plexiglas case had been moved somehow; items that had to be moved by hand with the removal of the sealed case to reach these items. Mike and Derrick were closing up the museum and the on duty docent was ending her day. They were all in the dining room when they all heard a loud clang in the hallway that sounded like a dinner bell. They left the dining hall to investigate this sound they heard on the main floor. They reached the end of the hall when they all experienced static electricity in the air; having goose bumps rising on their arms and neck. The female docent was spooked from this and decided she needed to go home right then. Mike and Derrick helped walk her out and then locked up the building behind her.  They then left to go finish fixing the enclosed display case that was on the second floor of the museum. They rearranged the case and then started to put the plexiglass cover back on. Derrick having his back to the hall way entrance and Mike facing it, Mike then noticed a dark shadow of a figure standing at the end of the hall entrance. Mike asked if anyone would be left in the museum to Derrick. Derrick said, “No everyone is gone. Why you ask?” Mike tells Derrick to slowly turn around and look.  Derrick sees the tall figure standing there and then walk to the side of the entrance and vanish. Mike yells out, “Hello!! Can we help you?  We are closed! You’re not in trouble just come out and show yourself!” No reply, Derrick and Mike go to approach this person, they reach the hall entrance and they feel such a strong static electricity in the air.  No one is to be found. Derrick haves goose bumps on top of goose bumps and Mike’s hair literally starts to stand up on his head. The temperature was ice cold and could start to see your breath in the hall. Mike said. “I’m not sure who you are, if you’re mad or happy. We are going to leave and close up and wish you a Good night.”

The team investigated a week after this happening and had some EMF meter interaction on the top floor and captured some EVP’S from this investigation. VSPR is working on a full write up about the building and the paranormal experiences that have happened there the past 3 years it has been opened and will be posted in the near future. We will be presenting video footage and some amazing EVP’S VSPR has collected the past 3 years there. Some EVP replies even mention the last name of the prior inhabitants. 



 February VSPR was invited to a Para-unity investigation with 5 other paranormal teams from other areas of the U.S. at Octagon Hall in Franklin, Kentucky. Keith Fourier (team leader of Night Stalkers Paranormal Research) and Billy Byrd caretaker of Octagon Hall, hosted the Unity event. The event took place right after John Zaffis finished filming the SYFY TV episode “Haunted Collector”. So the property seemed to be more active from all the prior investigating that had been done prior.

VSPR invited two of our fans to join us on the investigation, the special guest were; Laura Bentley from Dora, Alabama and Stephanie Greene from Franklin, Tennessee.They worked together great with the VSPR team and glad they were able to come experience the Octagon Hall. 

The night investigating was very cold, in-between investigation sessions we huddled outside near the fire sharing expereinces with the other teams. Then rotating with the other teams to gain access in the house and other locations on the property to investigate through out the night.

VSPR had some activity in the house. On the top floor we had some EMF interaction and witnessed a shadow figure on the top floor in the side bedroom where the new stairs had been rebuilt. DVR CAM crew heard the walking above them and looked up the stairs to witness the same shadow figure Mike was seeing at the room entrance on the top floor.

VSPR returned to the barn and showed the guest the use of trigger items. VSPR used the liquor Bourbon  poured into  the vintage mug to entice the spirits to interact with them. Sure enough the motion detectors went on when Mike requested, “If you want some Bourbon, please turn on the motion lights and I will pour you some in the mug.”  The Bourbon was poured in the mug and a K2 meter was placed on top of it. The K2 would blink after Mike had said, “Come up and have a snort!”

During the  Unity event  that night the team was able to meet Chris Lien who is on the TV show “Paranormal State, The New Class” that airs on the A&E network. Chris and the VSPR team spent some time sharing experiences and investigating techniques.


Chris Lien with VSPR Team and special guest.

Same month of February VSPR was contacted by a client who was having activity in his home. Client reported of shadow figures being seen, people being touched and voices being heard in the house. VSPR did several walk through of the home. The first time Mike and Becki captured some great EVPS during the interview and walk through of the home. Becki had witnessed a hanger in the walk in closet lift up in to the air and fall on the floor; she went to pick it up and was pinched by an unknown force.  One of the EVP’S Mike captured was a name sound like “I’m Chief” The client is a veteran from Iraq and Afghanistan and Mike thought, is this someone the client knew?

The 2nd walk through Mike returned with team Psychic Duann Kier. After her walk through and reading of the property, Mike decided to conduct a short EVP session before the client returned to the home. Mike asked about EVPS that were captured on the first walk through. When Mike mentioned the name of “CHIEF”, Mike had some serious spirit interaction. The recording you will hear Mike comment about feeling the goose bumps and then feeling sad. Then Mike is just over whelmed with sadness. Mike said “The sadness was so intense; it was like I saw my kid or wife killed in a car accident.” The recording you will hear Duann talk to Mike. She felt Mike was empathically feeling what the client Chris is dealing with from the war. Mike feels it was the spirit  who might go by the name Chief, since the emotion hit when he brought up the name. The emotion hit Mike very fast and you will hear Mike fighting it. It hit him hard and fast. An experience no one from VSPR has personally experienced before.  Hearing the recording shows that Spirits can influence your emotions.

Click here and hear the recording  of Mike being over whelmed by the Spirit.


Month of May VSPR were guest of LUMINEARTH.COM to attend the Nashville Galactic Expo.  What a Great event. We spent all day Saturday meeting and talking to people. The event gets bigger every year. Many thanks to Becki Baumgartner and Joyce Dierschke of LuminEarth.com for inviting us to the Galactic Expo and be part of it. 

In June Mike guest spoke with Duann Kier for the Nashville Psychic Meetup. It was a great time meeting everyone and able to share experiences with the public.

During the summer the VSPR team did several private investigations; one being an Elementary school building from the early 1900’s.



Filming for CAFEMOM.com with Lindsay Ferrier at Octagon Hall

The month of August VSPR was asked by the CAFEMOM.COM web site to film an episode of the web series “I’ll Take That Dare “with show host Lindsay Ferrier.  The filming of the show went very well. The filming took place at Octagon Hall in Franklin, Kentucky.  It was a pretty hot day in August to film. The host and film crew had never been on an investigation before.  The filming supposed to last no longer than 3-4 hours, but lasted for 7 due to the amount of activity we experienced that night. The Barn was the most active session we had; we spent over 2 hours in there. Lots of Ovilus and EMF interaction.

Sadly when you sometimes help do these filming’s, you don’t get to speak up on the editing part. Several things VSPR didn’t care for on the finished episode.   The comments and terms used we didnt agree on. “Infested with ghost” – like ghost supposed to be like termites or roaches in one’s home?  When did people or past love ones become a pest? Then the mentioning the use of Bourbon to “bribe the spirits”, VSPR has been bringing bourbon to Octagon Hall for several years now because we had an EVP saying they wanted whisky. We had asked years ago  when VSPR started investigating at the Hall, “Is there anything we can bring you when we visit?”The whisky was one of the items. Sadly they had edited that part out explaining this to Lindsay and the film crew.

 Seven hours of filming and cut to 5 minutes. A lot of great activity that happened and was witnessed but was not put in the film. Shame they could had presented it more professional and believable with out the dramatics and drama music-But thats TV. It was a great learning experience and many thanks to Billy Byrd the care taker of Octagon Hall for allowing the filming and investigation to take place.

Here is the video if like to watch it.

 The fall and winter of 2012. Mike did another guest speaking and this one was for the Dickson, TN Psychic Meet up. A nice large turnout for this event.

VSPR also returned to the Columbia High School to conduct another investigation with the school staff in November. The investigation was very active. We are still going over our data and hope to share in the near future.

Mike also has another article and was featured in the “Who’s Who of the Paranormal” in the Fall/Winter issue of VISIONS Magazine. This will be the third article Mike has written for Visions. The article is about a personal experience he and his mom had in Florida during 1994.  The article is about spirit communication when a Juke box selected and played a song for them, when the Jukebox wasn’t even plugged into the outlet. A great experience and you can read more about it in the recent issue of Visions.  Click on the link to Visions Magazine  for more info about the magazine.


 During the year 2012 several team members have returned back to college to further their career and life experiences. Due to team members being busy with school and busy new life schedule; VSPR has recruited some new members . The new members will be starting in the new year of 2013. We will be adding their bio’s after their training and welcoming them to the team.

We are looking forward to the New Year trying new equipment and techniques during our investigations. So we can share our data with you.

We thank you for your support and too those who donated towards our research.

VSPR Wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe 2013.


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